27 Pearson Falls Road
Saluda, NC 28773
Jane Ella offers individualized lessons and classes based on the Feldenkrais Method®: A practice that explores the infinite ways our intentions and our awareness of how we move can improve the quality of our experience and performance.
“Movement is life. Without movement, life is unthinkable”* Everything we do involves movement, and every movement in some way relates to every part of ourselves. By exploring these connections we can improve the efficiency and level of comfort in whatever we do. By using more of ourselves we become more integrated – whole-hearted – and waste less energy. We can “… make the impossible possible, the possible easy, and the easy elegant.” * (*Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais)
Improve posture, balance, coordination, digestion. Enhance visual perception, athletic and artistic performance, meditation or yoga practice. Prevent stress-related injury or facilitate recovery in a way that complements and enhances, without contradicting or replacing, other therapies or treatments.
Individualized lessons are by appointment. Classes are organized based on interest. Contact Jane Ella and go to her website to learn more about how the Feldenkrais Method can benefit you!