Membership Payment

Membership dues can be paid via check sent to P.O. Box 1085, Saluda, NC, 28773 or using the link below using paypal. An online processing via will be assessed for online payments. 

FULL MEMBERSHIP shall be defined as any business establishment which operates in Saluda ; in the business of commerce; serves Saluda’s consumers.  The amenities for this category include listing on rack card, web site placement on our fabulous website that will give you a whole page and also connect to your own website, inclusion on the downtown location map signs, social media marketing and promotion provided by our staffed Content Creator, and voting privileges.
Full Membership Fee is $150.00

SECOND BUSINESS MEMBERSHIP shall be defined as any second or greater business establishment owned by the same owners as a businesses already at full membership leve which operates in Saluda ; in the business of commerce; serves Saluda’s consumers.  The amenities for this category include listing on rack card, web site placement on our fabulous website that will give you a whole page and also connect to your own website, inclusion on the downtown location map signs, social media marketing and promotion provided by our staffed Content Creator, and voting privileges.
Second Business Membership Fee is $75.00

NON-PROFIT MEMBERSHIP shall be defined as any non-profit which operates in Saluda and serves Saluda’s consumers.  The amenities for this category include listing on rack card, web site placement on our fabulous website that will give you a whole page and also connect to your own website, inclusion on the downtown location map signs, social media marketing and promotion provided by our staffed Content Creator, and voting privileges.
Non-profit Membership Membership Fee is $75.00

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP shall be defined as any individual who is a full time resident of Saluda, who has an interest in the activities of the Saluda Business Association, and would like to participate in its business.  The amenity for this category is voting privileges.
Associate Membership fee is $75.00 

Processing fees are $6 for full membership & $3.50 for $75 membership levels.